Rob Woodcox- Award Winning Fine Art Photographer


Launching Style Right has exposed me to many fellow artists around the country;  whom I often notice have unique taste in fashion. This has inspired me in what I do, which is why I decided to interview them and share their stories and successes, in the hopes of inspiring you.About 4 months ago, I met Rob at a fashion industry social event. While my friend and I couldn't help from noticing the black mesh see-through top and bold print pants he was rocking that night, I was enthralled when he came to talk to us. Rob was one of the main speakers of the night with a photo showcase of his work; which is why we were shocked that he found time to get to know us.


Above two photos by Rob Woodcox


I am very thrilled that Rob agreed to be the first artist interviewed on Style Right. His work has been featured in top publications and news ranging from Vice Magazine, GQ, Vanity Fair, Vogue, ABC NEWS, Flickr, Yahoo, B&H, 500px, Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, Willamette Week and many more.Please enjoy part of our conversation in the thread below.

Introduce yourself...

"My name is Rob Woodcox, I am a fine art and fashion photographer. I specialize in turning dream into reality; my entire life is devoted to bringing people together in new and interesting ways, and I try to push the borders of reality in people's minds with my photography."


What got you into Photography?

"I've always loved creating, from drawing as a kid to gardening and building things, and finally creating photographs; I think when I was in my late teens I saw photography as an opportunity to combine many of my interests - people, travel, creating environments, and ultimately telling stories."

What inspires your work?

"I'm inspired by a variety of things including my life experiences, nature, and other forms of art, especially performing arts."


How do you like to spend your time when you are not working?

"My favorite things to do are hiking, cooking and dancing. I feel the most in tune with myself when I can be laid back and enjoy these more natural activities."


How do you like to dress yourself as an artist? What is your take on styling/fashion?

"I view fashion as an opportunity to express the many facets of who I am. From shiny and flashy night-wear, to earthy city vibes, I enjoy mixing it up on a regular basis."


How did you come to the realization that you are queer?

"Queer is a word that has been re-claimed by LGBTQIA identifying individuals that essentially expresses that we are different and proud of it. My story of coming into my own queerness is long and riddled with challenges like many, but I couldn't be happier with where I'm at and how supported I am by my community. "


" Ultimately my art is a reflection of who I am, both in my photography and my fashion. I hope sharing the genuine love I have for the world resonates and inspires all who see my creations."Here is Rob's website. He is doing a world Fine Art & Fashion Workshops tour in the fall. Go check it out here.Once again, I want to extend my thanks to Rob for taking the time and sharing part of his life with us. Also allow me to collaborate with him in creating this two looks for this post. I am honored to have met such an genuine artist who has now become a good friend.Makeup & Styling by Me. : )

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Photographer: Bassel Hamieh @BMH Photography 


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