Friday at FashioNXT 2019


I have been very devoted to attending and supporting FashioNXT since day one. Not only is it a one of a kind Portland event fusing fashion and technology together, but it keeps getting better and better every year. This year was no exception. I attended the shows on Friday night and I am incredibly impressed with the wide variety of talent and the upgraded venue and amazing set up. The energy was so positive and everyone was having a great time. I am really glad I was a part of it.


The night featured five incredible ready-to-wear and couture designers including Yamil Quiñones, Gustavo Apiti Couture, Ale O by Alejandra Oyervides, 2018 UpNXT Co-winner Maria Venturini, and last but not least, Project Runway Season 11 and Project Runway International Allstar’s very own Michelle Lesniak.


Both of the photos above are my favorites from Yamil Quiñones’s collection, who is a Portland designer. His designs were the ones that had the biggest ‘wow’ factor. With their elegant drapery and modern and sexy twist, it seemed like everyone in the room wanted to get their hands on one of Quiñones’s pieces.


Next are two of my favorite sets by Gustavo Apiti Couture from Seattle. It is not the first time that I see his work, but this time I loved how Apiti took your modern suit and transformed it with very special detailing. Specifically the slanted double pockets, fresh pattern combinations, and unique seams, it was so great to see a bold outlook on men’s formal wear once again.


Above are three of my favorite looks from my favorite designer of the night, Ale O by Alejandra Oyervides. Out of all of the designers, Ale’s clothing set was the one that spoke to me the most. I loved the minimal feel of each piece accompanied by fun and unique elements; whether it was the addition of wool to the sleeves, geometric patterning on the fabric, or beautiful complimentary bags and self made accessories. I saw myself wearing all of her clothes which felt very down to earth. Also triple bonus points that she makes her clothing from recycled material.


Next are what I think are the most beautiful pieces of the night from Maria Venturini. The incredible and intricate layering and patterning done on each is jaw dropping and not to mention the unique coloring. I loved everything about these two outfits.


Lastly, are two of my favorite jumpsuits from Michelle Lesniak. Everyone who follows me knows my intense addiction and love for jumpsuits and Michelle really had me needing to go back to rehab. The moment the models walked out wearing the earth toned suits, I felt the need to jump on stage and get in them right away!


I really want to thank Tito Chowhury for putting together this much needed fashion week here in Portland every year and for making me a FashioNXT ambassador. I could not be more honored to represent this celebration of fashion, where four nights a year, all of Portland’s biggest names, fashionistas, and elites, get together to celebrate some of the best and most hard working designers around. I cannot wait to see what comes of FashioNXT 2020.

Photo taken by @Tom Lupton
Re-edited by Bassel Hamieh